Hint: Swordstalker: Stronger attack:
An easy way to give Swordstalker a strength of 3800 power attack points or more is to sacrifice all the monsters in your deck. Due to Swordstalker's special effect, it will become stronger than those of the CPU. If you have mainly a monster deck with three Swordstalkers, this
trick will be very useful. Start by repeatedly trying to combine
all of your monsters except for your Swordstalkers. Then, try
to send out your Swordstalkers. It will have a power of a 6300/5900
or more. Try making multiple fusions with one card and destroy
the card. For example, Zombie + Warrior = Skull knight + Hard
armor = Armored Zombie. You will have four cards gone instead
of three. Do not forget to destroy your last card with your own
leader. Try to gain a card called Darkness Falls. It is a magic card that
lets you flip all cards face down. Next, go to custom battle and
make your CPU opponent play it or use it. Get it multiple times
in the card slots, then get a Swordstalker (or two or three) in
your deck. Put the Swordstalker on the field and discard all of
your monster cards (not Swordstalker) and magic/trap cards (not
Darkness Falls). Flip your Swordstalker to make its attack become
6,000. Use Darkness Falls to flip it face down then flip it up
again so that its attack is now at 10,000. Flip it over again
face down with Darkness Falls and flip it face up to make it have
an outstanding attack power of 14,000, which is enough to kill
three Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons together (13,500) Finally, use
your last Darkness Falls to flip it down again. Flip it up to
make the monster have 18,000 attack points. Also, use Copycat
and The Magician Of Faith to increase it even more by recovering
more Darkness Falls to make the ultimate monster. In the end of
all the recovery of cards and power increases, Swordstalker will
have a total of 36,000 ATK and 32,000 DEF. Note: Note a monster cannot exceed an Attack or Defense value
above 9999.